HOMe-Boost addresses the ever increasing demand for reliable power, as well as EV charging for homeowners. Additionally, HOMe-Boost makes fast charging at home (typically a very expensive residential infrastructure project requiring special permitting from the city/town, and utility) readily available.
HOMe-Boost provides flexibility to power your home or EV charger using a prime generator or the grid. Advanced intelligent power switching components provide an “island” mode option (completely off-grid) to the residential customer during times of extreme weather and natural disasters. It can utilize on-site natural gas or propane as well as utility power, whichever is more economical.
HOMe-Boost is available in two different options, L2 or L3, each complete with all of the major components needed for a quick installation. An automatic transfer switch senses utility outages and can be switched to onsite power using a mobile phone application interface. It includes load balancers to help prioritize power needs, including EV charging. It is available on a pallet for easy storage, drop-pickup and drop-off or can be quickly integrated into a home's electrical system.
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